
Forum Discussions

The HCN Forum provides the opportunity to network with hospice and palliative care colleagues across the country. Feel free to use the HCN Forum to share questions, challenges, and ideas related to hospice compliance, quality and best practices. The HCN Forum is open to all hospice professionals and does not require a paid HCN membership.

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Forum Resource Library

Over the years HCN members have contributed numerous helpful resources to help other hospices. The Forum Resource Library houses that collection and allows members, both Open Level and paid HCN Members to easily share new resources in response to HCN Forum discussion topics and other important events regarding hospice. Browse the Forum Resource Library, download resources, and upload new resources to help other HCN members. The Forum Resource Library is available to all hospice professionals and does not require a paid HCN membership.

Visit the Library


Regulatory & Consulting Reference Center

The Regulatory & Consulting Reference Center includes critical documents and other resources related to regulatory compliance. As new regulations, guidance and alerts are published they are added to the Regulatory Reference Center. The Consulting Corner Q&A With the Experts offers real-life questions posed by Weatherbee clients and our expert team's responses. Monthly "Inside the Hive" Survey Tip Sheets offer helpful guidance for survey preparation. The Regulatory & Consulting Reference Center Library is available only to paid HCN members.

Visit the Reference Center